But how much actual worship do we really give Him?
How much quality time do we spend with our Lord Jesus and our heavenly Father?
Do you long to give Him more?
The Word of God says, "The Father seeketh such to worship Him." Well He has captured my heart. I want nothing more than to be a true and faithful worshiper. I can hardly wait to be THERE where He is. But I believe the Lord has given me a special way to spend time with Him here in the meantime and that He wants me to share it with the world. That's what this page is all about.
Many years ago I discovered how healthy the minitrampoline is for our bodies. There are whole books written about "rebounding". You can search those out online. But for now,suffice it to say that this is a superior form of exercise for the whole body. No matter your age or fitness level, you can do it. Even if you need to hold onto a wall. You don't need to jump high or even leave the surface. You don't need to buy anything else. Barefoot is actually best. Check around locally or order one at Amazon.com. I put a link at the bottom of the page to show you a good one that is reasonably priced. You don't need to spend more than this.
So right below this you'll see a Youtube video I made using a Hosanna Integrity CD called Eternal God. It's one of my favorites. You can access more of them if you search them out on Youtube. I apologize for the small size, it was my first try.
Below that one are more recent ones. I used the CD Army of God from Hosanna Integrity, my favorite company. I feel the Lord has impressed me to use this CD because the songs, especially the first two, will allow us to humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways so He can heal our land. America is in trouble and I believe only God can heal it. So please use that second one with all your heart.
Once you get the hang of it you won't need to watch me, just use the sound or find another CD you like. You can search Hosanna Integrity in Youtube these days and get whole albums. One point is to utilize muscles by contracting them, don't just swing them loosely. It is important to go at your own pace, take it easy at first. Use your own judgment as to how much to do at first. Hold onto the wall if you need to. Buy a trampoline with a handrail if you need it. Take your pulse when you are done and walk around to bring it down to a comfortable range. Don't just sit down when you're done. Drink plenty of water, before and after. Mainly focus on the Lord and sing the words to Him. Enjoy Him and let Him enjoy you! It's amazing how great you will feel afterward.
An important issue for ladies is a good brassiere. I used to be a custom bra fitter. Unfortunately the company went out of business after many years. Go on Ebay and search out Pennyrich, Sculptress or custom-fitted bra and see what you can find. It really makes a difference. The type I'm talking about has an interior "shelf" made of cotton flannel that supports you from beneath. Call me if you need help. See the contact page for that information. You can get a trampoline like the one you see in the video on Amazon.com, if not locally to you. You don't need to spend more than $50. It will most likely last you the rest of your life! But if you have any back issues or are older, I recommend a Cellercise, which I now use. Either way, enjoy and keep in touch! Browse the rest of tabs AT THE TOP, especially What's Really Important, as well as "MORE" to see what else you might benefit from ok? Especially wonderful is the Charles H. Spurgeon MORNING AND EVENING DEVOTIONAL. It changes every morning and evening, plus you can search dates. It never fails to minister to me. You can get your own copy as well. I believe you will find the same to be true for you. At my other site, www.pureandsimpleanswers.com you will find many other useful topics that I hope will bless your life in one way or another! Physically, spiritually and financially.