How is your skin feeling these days? It was a long, cold, drying winter here in Michigan. (but Summer is here - yay!) But now there's the sun to dry us out!
You can put an end to dry, itchy, flaky skin - and keep it gone for the rest of your life.
How about your feet?
Would you love to have smooth, non-cracking, Summer and sandal-pretty feet? Feet that won't embarrass you?
I have good news for you.
I have found the solution to both problems!
I have been doing something for the last 35 years that I totally love and now I'd like to share it with you. I have written an ebook that is now ready.
In it I reveal what this secret of mine is and how you can utilize it to restore your youthful skin over your entire body. You will literally see all of your dead skin come off! And it costs pennies. You will love it. You see, you can't moisturize DEAD. You have to get rid of it. I remember as a child trying to get rid of my thick foot callouses with a razor blade. YIKES! There is a better way, it's fast and cheap. All you need is someone to tell you how to do it! So go to the top and click Purchase Here. You will be able to use your Paypal account. Once you complete payment just send me an email to [email protected] with your Paypal transaction ID and it will be sent to you. You can do this today! Tonight your spouse won't know who they're sleeping with - you'll even feel like a different person. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without this knowledge. I certainly wouldn't be a very pleasant person to be around, feeling all tight and itchy. So go ahead and buy your copy now, you'll be so glad you did!
After that, you can go to the Contact page and opt-in to my infrequent emails. Don't worry, I won't inundate you with emails. I promise that whatever I send you will be worthy of your time. Also, by being on my list, I'll be able to give you additional tips for skin issues such as cradle cap and dandruff. That will also give you email access to me so you can email me with questions. So go ahead, put in your information and I'll be in touch.
(I have lots of good things to share with you!) With your best interests at heart, Betsy
Watch this if you want to be refreshed in your faith, watch this song sung from the perspective of the Apostle Peter: